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March 10, 2024

A Campy Tale of Sunday Scaries

Sunday Scaries

Sundays brings me a special kind of anxiety, with each passing hour counting down to the dreaded return to the workweek. Through a series of personal experiences, I found vivid, campy analogies that helped me navigate and ultimately reframe these "Sunday scaries."

The Anticipation of Stress

Unfinished tasks lining up like impatient brunch queens waiting for mimosas.

This analogy materialized one Sunday as I mentally prepared for an impending project deadline. The enormity of outstanding tasks felt like a never-ending brunch line - every time I crossed one item off, three more divas loudly cleared their throats from the back of the queue. Each unfinished task cast an oppressive, judging side-eye, tarnishing what should have been a calm, restorative day.

Feeling Unprepared

Sashaying onto the Met Gala red carpet in yesterday's glitter-streaked disaster.

I experienced this sickening feeling of dread when I once grossly underestimated how long refactoring code would take until delaying it to Sunday. As the minutes slipped by, my heart raced, each tick of the clock emphasizing the dwindling time I had left. It felt like being prepped to sashay the iconic Met Gala stairs, only to realize in horror that I was still rocking last night's smeared makeup and heinous bedhead.

The End of Leisure Time

The trail's end coming into view like that hottie you locked eyes with for just a moment too long.

I spent one blissful Sunday afternoon getting lost on a meandering nature hike, completely tuning out the world around me. But then I glimpsed the trailhead through the trees, marking the end of this refreshing escape. Suddenly, the path's conclusion came into view just like catching eyes a bit too long with an insanely attractive fellow hiker passing by. With each step forward, the parking lot and real-life responsibilities grew larger on the horizon, feeling as awkward as the morning after a regrettable one-night stand. The woods' beauty slowly faded away, eclipsed by the return to the inescapable daily grind.

Sleep Disruptions

Worries spinning around like the choking hairspray cloud when a queen gets too close to the hot lights.

That restless night of anxiety - filled with fears and what-if thoughts whipping around in the stillness. One memorable Sunday evening became that dreaded experience, as each toss and turn in bed matched the anxious thoughts spinning rapidly in my mind. It was like the choking hairspray cloud that puffs out when an overly eager drag queen gets too close to the hot stage lights after layering on an entire can of extra hold spray. My jumbled worries tangled together in a frantic snarl as I twisted the sheets into knots, desperate to put out the mental flames keeping me awake.

The Honest Truth

Sure, I could dole out the typical advice about creating a calming bedtime routine with meditation and journaling to soothe the Sunday night anxieties. Alternatively, I might suggest screaming out sassy mantras about mindfulness, or perhaps spilling the tea to your cat about office dramas. Or I could get all poetic about transforming your space into a serene oasis.

But let's be real - sometimes you just have to lean into the 3am spiral. Embrace the swirling tornado of looming deadlines and endless to-do lists whipping through your mind. Lean into the darkest corners to truly understand why you feel this way. Because it's in those raw, messy moments of fully experiencing the Sunday scaries that you'll eventually find your own answers.
